League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations Malstrom Award
The League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations began as the idea of Brent Lambert, Snohomish County Heritage Planner. The group was officially formed in 1983 and, in an effort to encourage and honor heritage projects in the county, an annual awards program began, named after county volunteer and local history writer Helmer Malstrom who died in 1985.
1989 – Dual awards to the Lake Stevens Historical Society for opening its Museum, and to the Everett Mountaineers for the restoration of the Mt. Pilchuck Lookout.
2000 – Lake Stevens Museum for the building of a new wing, the Gayle Whitsell Memorial Reading Room, which offers a wide variety of research material.
2004 - This year two of the projects were so extensive and excellent it was impossible to make a decision which was truly "better" - so there was a tie between the move and restoration of the 1903 Grimm House by the Lake Stevens Historical Society and the rehabilitation of the former Stanwood Odd Fellows Public Hall.